Adjustable Gravel beds for Cinema 4D and V-Ray / Corona
Adjustable Gravel beds for Cinema 4D and V-Ray / Corona
Create complex gravel beds for outdoor views, gardens and parks with ease. Thanks to the customizable size and shape of the gravel beds, any desired gravel bed can be created in no time.
The materials are designed to avoid or reduce tiling effects.
The models are optimized for Cinema 4D. The use of bevel and FFD deformers allows easy adjustment of the geometry and definition of the complexity level.
C4D version: C4D 2023.
Materials: Vray and Corona PBR/physical materials.
All textures of the used materials are included in the package.
Exclusively for non-commercial use. Resale of the model or individual components is not allowed.
The environment, architecture and accessories of the example renderings are not included in the package!
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